A catch-all mailbox is one that collects all the emails sent to invalid addresses. For example, if your address is info@domain.com, but someone misspells it and sends an email message to inof@domain.com, it will still be received in the catch-all mailbox that you have configured. Only one single mailbox per domain can have this feature enabled and thus you’ll never miss emails because the other party has an out-of-date email address or has made a typographical error. The downside of having a catch-all mailbox is that you may begin receiving a lot of unsolicited messages, but this issue can be resolved using anti-spam filtering software. It’s also essential to know that a mailbox with an active catch-all functionality cannot forward inbound email messages to a 3rd-party mailbox.
Catch-all Emails in Shared Web Hosting
If you host a domain on our cloud platform and you’ve got a shared web hosting account, you’ll be able to activate the catch-all functionality for any mailbox that you set up under the domain. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section offers quite a lot of features, but it is extremely easy to work with, so setting up a catch-all mailbox takes only a single mouse click. All the email addresses that you have set up will be listed in this section in alphabetical order and you’ll simply need to click on the "Catch-all" button pertaining to the given email address. Our system will warn you if there’s already another catch-all mailbox activated for that domain name or if the one that you want to be a catch-all mailbox has email forwarding activated, so you can either disable the latter feature or select a different mailbox. Deactivating the catch-all feature is just as simple and requires one more click on the same button.
Catch-all Emails in Semi-dedicated Servers
A catch-all address can be set up with a few clicks in case you have a semi-dedicated server with us. The hosting account will be administered through our in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to create mailboxes using any domain hosted there. To enable the catch-all functionality for a mailbox, you will have to click on the sign with the exact same name, which will be on the right-hand side of each mailbox. Deactivating this functionality can be accomplished in the exact same manner and will not take more than one click either. In case the catch-all functionality has already been enabled for a certain domain, you’ll receive a warning notification. The same goes if the mailbox that you wish to be a catch-all one has email forwarding activated, as our system will never disable or replace any feature automatically.